Welcome to Huron Heights, home of the Lightning Hawks! Huron Heights is a fantastic Grade 3-6 school, serving students in the Kincardine, Tiverton area. We have approximately 300 amazing students, and twice as many involved and supportive parents. During the school year we offer a variety of programs and extra curricular opportunities that meet the interests and abilities of all our students. Sporting teams include x-country, volleyball, soccer, basketball and track and field. We have a fantastic music program and offer choir as a extra curricular activity in addition to clubs like makerspace, lego club, student council, recycling and more! specializing in the Primary, Junior divisions allows us to focus our attention on developing our students as individuals who are academically strong, and community minded. We hope you will pay us a visit, our door is always open!

Be sure to follow our Facebook page for updates and important information: Huron Heights Lighting Hawks Kincardine



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September 3: First Day of School
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